Welcome to the

Devon Veterans Golf Captains

About us

The Devon Veteran Golf Captains is a Society which was formed in 1987 with the objective of bringing together all those who have previously undertaken the role of Captain of the Seniors or Veterans section of their respective Club’s in a spirit of friendship and golf competition. Membership has steadily grown, at times, to nearly 300 annually throughout its history, and provides an ongoing camaraderie between Players and their Clubs.

Annually the Society arranges Spring, Summer and Autumn Competitions which are arranged by the incumbent Captain of the year, the final Competition of which being held at his home Club where the AGM is also held. 2022 saw the introduction of an Inter-Club Pairs KO event played throughout the season culminating in Home/Away Semi-final and Final in September which is proving increasingly popular.

All Competitions have splendid Trophies and Individual Cups to challenge for.

Also included in the schedule is an annual match against the Devon Past Lady Captains Society which is arranged bi annually by the respective organisations at their choice of venue. 2025 the DVGC will be hosting the event at Great Torrrington GC.

There is only a one-off joining fee of £25 which gives Life membership and, at present, no annual subscription, and the receipt of a complimentary tie with the DVGC Logo or DVGC Polo shirt.

The Society is looking to expand on its membership as it is open to all Devon Clubs affiliated through DEVON GOLF and England Golf and regenerate interest through its net work of nominated Representatives within existing Clubs.

Enquires: -

2025 Captain Peter Barraud (Bigbury) on 07411 734663 or peterbarraud@hotmail.com

Vice-captain Roger Norton (Tiverton) on 01884 841108 or cno2410@btinternet.com

David Bromage (Secretary) 01395 442898 or david.bromage2@gmail.com


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